Live Intentionally.

Commit to your marriage. Commit to yourself.

Discovery & Growth

We took the guesswork out of journaling so that you can focus on what matters most. You will find growth & discovery in the pages of our journals. Our hope is that you will elevate to a higher & holier version of yourself and your marriage.

The Balance Wheel Collection

Is balance something you yearn for but can’t seem to grasp? Do you feel disorganized and like you can’t seem to dedicate the proper amount of time to each thing in your life or your marriage? The Balance Wheel journals were born from a desire to achieve a more well-rounded marriage and lifestyle! Some people will argue that it’s impossible to find balance; and that may be true if you consider balance as “perfectly juggling ALL things at once”. However, if you think about it more like “intentionally managing the most important things at that given season of your life”, then hope and joy become your gifts because, indeed, balance can be found!

Vai Design

True beauty comes from within. It radiates from your soul. Vai Design is our jewelry brand (give or take a few extra accessories) where you will find simple, yet elegant pieces to complement any outfit. We have hand-picked & handmade jewelry pieces that add to your natural beauty.

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