What is The Balance Wheel Journal?

The uniqueness of this journal collection is that it has a balance wheel to help you see quickly how well you are doing in various areas of your marriage, and when the individual version is available, your life. This journal was designed to guide you in setting goals with your spouse, get you communicating with weekly questions, and simply touch base with each other about everything that you have going on during the week. The other awesome thing about this journal, is that you can be as detailed or as simple as you like while communicating and setting goals. It’s your journal and you’ll figure out what works best for the both of you! As long as you are both invested in this, even a little bit, your marriage will change for the better. And you will too!



  • Priorities & Goals

    The first thing you will do together is write your marriage priorities. Take some time to talk to each other about what is vital to your relationship. This will help you know what to say “yes” and “no” to in life. After setting priorities comes one year goals. What do you want to accomplish together by the time you finish the journal? Pray about it and dream big!

  • Check In & Accountability

    You will find a small calendar each week along with a to-do section where you can touch base on what you have for the upcoming week. Following that is a spokes accountability section; the first part is reporting how you worked on last week’s spoke, the second section is writing down what spoke you will work on for the upcoming week.

  • Weekly Questions

    Answer 6 questions each week. The first 5 questions will be the same but the 6th one is a “fun” question and changes weekly. These were designed to get you communicating with your spouse in an easy and uplifting way. The cool thing is that your answers become sort of like a journal entry; they are fun to look back on and see what was happening then!

  • The Balance Wheel

    Once a month you will fill out the balance wheel, which consists of 8 spokes that refer to different areas of your marriage. Each has a rating from 1-10. The wheel is paired with boxes for each spoke where you can set mini goals or write how you want to improve that area, and if you’re doing great, why you are! This can be a simple or as detailed as you want.


“We have been using The Balance Wheel Journal for a month now and absolutely love it! We can see the positive impact is has made in our marriage and have been able to learn new tools to better connect and communicate with each other. The Balance Wheel Journal is truly the highlight of our week! We love the simplicity of the design and details that set this journal a part. It’s obvious that so much thought and intention went into the creation of The Balance Wheel Journal. Steph has truly made something so meaningful and essential for married couples. We can’t recommend it enough!”

— Abbey & Jace Thompson

“This journal has been so good for us! We have been married almost 9 years with 3 children and 1 on the way. Life is busy for us! There have been times we’ve felt very disconnected from each other because of our schedules. We started implementing this journal on Sunday evenings before we start the new week. It’s been a great tool for us to reconnect, see how each other’s weeks have gone, and learn how we can improve in our marriage for the next week. We feel much more connected as a couple and think about each other’s needs more often. Communication is key, and we feel this journal helps us stay in touch with each other, even if we’re being pulled in different directions throughout the week.”

— Randee & Deven West

“The journal that Steph, my wife, created has fostered more connection and love each week than we had before! It gets us talking and dreaming together. I love setting goals with her and aligning our paths together. I feel like I’ve been a better husband and more understanding because of it.”

— Jeremy Vai