Combat the Boredom in Your Marriage and Have More Fun!

You know what will kill your marriage slowly? Not having any fun! Life is to be enjoyed! Your marriage is to be enjoyed! Fun is necessary to any relationship! Marriages, just like life, become boring, weighed down, and just plain hard without a little fun to release the tension and break up the monotony. And listen, we all do it. We get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget to prioritize fun things which could be anything from simply relaxing to going on lively adventures. Whatever it is that you guys like to do, make time for it then do it. How unfulfilling is it to be in a marriage where there is no fun, no laughter, or no joy! We all have busy schedules, and if you guys are extra busy, then schedule some fun time with each other.


As a side note, what is fun to you may not be fun for your spouse and vice versa. Make sure to do things together that you each like to do and also things that you both like to do. Spending time having fun the way one spouse enjoys gives the other spouse an opportunity to learn to appreciate what the other spouse loves. This can really connect you both and also serve as a service opportunity. If your spouse suggests something like camping, for example, as a fun activity for you both to do and it’s something that is not fun for you, change up your perspective and think of it as an opportunity to gift them this memory because you love them. I heard someone say once, if they love it (whatever activity or hobby your spouse enjoys) then maybe I can find something to love about it too. It’s all about your perspective and your attitude.


It’s equally as important to find fun things that you both like to do together! Keep a running list to pull from whether it’s for date night or spontaneous adventures. My husband and I enjoy using The Adventure Challenge: Couples Edition to help give us ideas as well. (And as a fun little extra, there’s even a spot to put a polaroid pic of what you guys did!) If having fun is new to you both and you’re not sure what you both like doing, just pick something and start. Google ideas if you have to but do something. You won’t really know what you enjoy without trying it out. And who knows, you just might be surprised with what you discover! Try out all sorts of things; deviate from what you’d normally do at times and explore other options. You might find interests that you never knew you had!


Ideas for fun things to do with your spouse:

  • Plan an easy weekend getaway for just you two

  • Take turns doing something you each wants to do

  • Have date night each week

  • Document making memories together (use your phone camera or get a polaroid one!)

  • Check out The Adventure Challenge: Couples Edition

  • Go on adventures/dates with your other friend couples

  • Plan a couples vacation with other couples

  • Pick something to do that neither of you would normally think of doing

  • Send a fun & flirty text to your spouse in the middle of the day

  • Celebrate half birthdays or other random holidays

  • Surprise your spouse with something fun like a treat or a trick (nerf guns anyone?)

  • Find ways to laugh together


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